Thursday, August 23, 2007

Woohoo! Finally got something to post.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Spider Pig
Spider Pig
Does whatever a Spider Pig does
Can he swing from a web
No he can't
He's a pig
Looook Oooouuuuut!
He is a Spider Pig
(sing to the tune of the spiderman song)

Its been a long time since i have watched such a dumb show.You dont have to bring your brains along to watch this movie. Really kept laughing from the start of the movie to the end and i especially liked the Homer and the dog sleigh part. That idiot even resting he also wanted to whip them to rest wth fcuking funny. Basically a really nice show with a touch of family warmth and political controversy.

Quote of the day:
"I was elected to lead not to read." by President Arnold

Thursday, July 26, 2007

WOOOO! Finally no more exams!

But instead of feeling relaxed, i felt kinda lost don't understand why. Just when i am relishing the pressure of working and studying for tests, the process just ended abruptly.
Now i have to wait for 1 and a 1/2 weeks to the next school term, can't wait to get back to classes to study and take tests.. or for other reasons? WTF what the hell is happening to me man!

Hmm the results would be out in 2 months time, i wonder when will i be able to have my buffet treat. Actually we can start to fix a date liao right eh nik and bear? Wanna call the rest? =)

Friday, July 20, 2007

Today there has been an accident at one of the stations in the afternoon and fcuk i was on my way to school taking biology test. Not sure whether it is luck or what, when the train reached queenstown mrt station, the operator requested everyone to get off the train. Heng ah. Lucky shit imagine having to get off at a earlier stop my test can "buang" already confirm cannot reach in time.

After the test, i feel like shit because i felt i did pretty poor this time round. Didn't really feel like talking, even to daphne haha. The shit feeling is because i know i can do better but i just did not study enough hiaz. But one things for sure, i will not fail it wahaha (look here nik and bear).

Determined not to experience the same thing, i have decided to look forward to the next test (left chem and anatomy only) and score the shit out of it!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Its been quite some time since i last posted and people are beginning to mention something about fines, so i guess now is the right time to do it =)
A few days back i was forced by kx to go rotting with him at marina. Being a busy man myself, i had to decline the offer but damn he was one persistent piece of shit boh bian no choice. The first thing we did when reached was to eat, and there was where the nightmare begins. It was a restaurant that specializes in chickens. I ordered a 2 piece while that fcuking idiot tried out the miso flavour. I swapped a piece with him to test and boy how i regret that dumb decision. I can only think of 1 thing that can aptly describe that taste: shit.
Ok, its fine that the chicken sucks, but the problem is that now that the power of the miso is now transferred to my fingers, my right thumb and the finger beside it i dunno wat it is called. POWER! Its amazing that no matter how many layers of soap i went thru the miso smell still stays strong. I offered my fingers to bear but he declined to smell it lol. For your info, the miso smell accompanied me for 2 fcuking days!

Question: What is the probability of hearing someone sing "hua hee jiu ho" chorus at the stage in the early afternoon while walking to kia's house at Eunos market?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

After watching the 3 buggers (there are a total of 4 idiots) set up the blogs for sometime i suddenly felt compelled to follow suit as my spider sense tells me something bad is about to happen. It was suppose to be a unanimous decision by the 4 of us to set up this blog thingy and by "right" it was to be done on the start of the week. As expected, i went by the "left". The amazing thing was that somehow they managed to find some stupid fcuk idiot started an empty blog using my name and so they assumed that the fellow who did that trash blog was me. And so they go about happily adding ME to their blogs how fun. Haha no wonder can escape.

Well you folks dun have to wait any longer coz the special one is here. If you want to know more about how this whole shit started go read Eugene's blog its boring to repeat it. Thats all for starter and i will try to get more pics up soon hopefully (you know what i mean heheh).